London Poem: Day 252

26 April

We suffer just the same as
Everyone else, but we know pain,
You and I.
The way our worlds unfold
Has no comparison;
We live and die, everyday.
Don’t tell me we don’t,
Because if you do,
You must be dead again.
Let the lights bend over
Empty streets, where the
Rare moonlight appears
Only to be swallowed
By cloud, a moment later –
But there, there we will be.
Living our lifetime
Day in, and day out.

London Poem: Day 251

25 April

We fight the sound
To know the words,
To give our tongue’s
A little break.
So tired of stumbling,
And the wild flail
Of the fight,
Mirrors watch as mouths
Move, and the quiet flick
Of the tongue, back behind
Teeth, forces out merely
A whisper. I am still waiting
For the words
To replace the whisper.

London Poem: Day 250

24 April

The hours are long,
Spinning in such a way
They seem to never end.
Circles intertwine and
Bring time –
Clocks ping and the world moves,
Watching the sound belly and fall
To where it began.
The hours are still long,
And out life is longer
Waiting for the clock
To flip over.

London Poem: Day 249

23 April

The grain moves longways,
Cutting hungrily between
Two spaces.
The grooves are fortunes, and
The space, it’s empty and ugly –
It makes up the most of us.
To tell the story,
To see more than this,
The fine lines and the
Plain separating,
We have to accept where
We are, and move from there.
Nothing changes without effort,
And effort can never live with comfort.

London Poem: Day 248

22 April

We eat the animal
That lives a happy life,
Because that is a happy life.
Wander free, lay off the drugs
And eat your fill, at your pace.
But, while you eat
We’re going to watch and wait.
There is all the time in
The world to let comfort
Wash over you,
To taste what happiness is,
And then it will turn black –
But until then, there are still

London Poem: Day 247

21 April

Half way around
And a quiet folding
Sort of speech,
What is grand and smart
Is decided by the other side.
Here are lines,
Drawn, two by two,
To certain thoughts suspended,
Though messy, in truth.
Nothing comes out how you wish,
But that doesn’t erase
What is said,
So say it softly.

London Poem: Day 246

20 April

There is an open invitation
To the room without light,
Where your heart is open,
And my hear is removed.
Here, we can live without regret
And worry over what others may say.
We can be a wide open world
For us alone,
Where dreams rush out and become real.
Here, it will be you and I,
Knowing that in the great
Turmoil, we are never alone.

London Poem: Day 245

19 April

Where can art take us?
To the front, where lines
Blur, and what was seems
Seems so far away.
Whole lives are poured
Into one singular goal,
A single driving factor
That is sure to end in
Terrible, vacant space.
We will wander for some time,
Waiting, believing that someone
Is bound to show up.
But, as the days grow longer
The space too grows,
And everything stays quiet,
With no one ever knowing
You are there.

London Poem: Day 244

18 April

The day seemed languid and slow,
Turning hours over in easy rotations
That count seconds without ever
Knowing the word.
But, what are days and
What are words to a world
Forgotten in ash?
We are still dust, and still
Quiet – slow moving shapes
Watching it all go by.

London Poem: Day 243

17 April

Our land is wrapped in ash,
Leaving us stranded, and
Looking for a way out –
Yet, with no where to go.
Without a sound, eyes
Look to the sky,
No life and no signs
To suggest anything more.
The sky is calm, and so
Are you – trapped in solace,
And how will it end?
The sky will clear, and
It will fill up as
Soon as possible.